

信息科学技术学院李鹏老师2023924-930日参加泰国Spin Asia Workshop会议,将在校内作相关分享报告。



报告题目:Probing spin dynamics in van der Waals magnets



李鹏,特任教授、博导,国家级青年人才。2014年获得美国圣母大学博士学位,先后在美国科罗拉多州立大学、希捷集团研发中心、斯坦福大学从事研究工作。20221月全职回国。长期致力于磁性及自旋电子材料与器件的开发,取得了一系列重要成果。曾主持美国自然科学基金、美国空军基础科学基金等科研项目。研究成果发表于Nature PhysicsNature CommunicationsPhysical Review Letters等期刊上,论文数量超过50篇,被引用次数超过2000次。获多项美国专利授权,并与三星、台积电等公司开展了产业化合作研究。目前担任IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering副主编,IEEE Magnetics Letters高级编委、IEEE 磁学学会教育分会财务长、IEEE国际磁学会议及国际磁学与磁性材料大会组委会成员。


The discovery of magnetism in two-dimensional (2D) van der Waals (vdW) materials has flourished a new endeavor of fundamental problems in magnetism. In this talk, I will discuss the magnetization and spin dynamics in two types of 2D magnets: a room-temperature vdW magnetic crystal Fe5GeTe2 with a Curie temperature Tc = 332 K and Cu(1,3-bdc), a quasi-2D magnet with a Kagome lattice. Ferromagnetic resonance was performed with external magnetic fields applied along the c-axis (Hc) and the ab-plane (Hab). We have found a sizable Landé g-factor difference between the Hc and Hab cases for both Fe5GeTe2 and Cu(1,3-bdc). The FMR measurements have also revealed that Fe5GeTe2 has a damping constant comparable to Permalloy. Our experiments highlight key information regarding the magnetic state and spin scattering processes