

火灾科学国家重点实验室孙协鹏老师于2024721-727日参加第40届国际燃烧大会(40th International Symposium - Emphasizing Energy Transition),将在校内作相关分享报告。



报告题目:An experimental study of the liquid fire evolution inside the compartment under the facing wind condition

报告人简介:孙协鹏,博士,中国科学技术大学特任副研究员。20216月获得中国科学技术大学安全科学与工程工学博士学位(导师:胡隆华研究员),20216月至今于中国科学技术大学开展研究工作。主要从事腔室火灾与外立面开口火溢流行为研究,入选博士后创新人才支持计划。以第一/通讯作者在国际能源与燃烧领域顶级综述期刊Progress in Energy and Combustion Science、国际燃烧领域两大顶级期刊Combustion and FlameProceedings of the Combustion Institute等期刊上发表SCI论文10余篇,参编我国首部建筑外立面开口火溢流学术专著,授权发明专利2项;曾获中国科学技术大学优秀博士论文,中国科学院院长优秀奖等荣誉。研究工作得到了国家基金委、科技部、中科院以及安徽省的支持。

摘要:Compartment fire has been studied extensively based on the no wind condition, as well as using the gas fuel to achieve the “controllable” fire growth under the wind. However, no work reported on the compartment fire evolution with fire growth using the liquid as fuel considering the real accident. In the present study, ethanol (liquid) pool fire behavior inside a 30 cm cubic compartment with an opening was investigated experimentally under facing wind condition considering the “uncontrollable” real compartment fire scenario. The burning rate and flame behavior inside the compartment was recorded and measured. It is found that: (1) The stable mass loss rate inside the compartment could be divided into three types according to its evolution with facing wind speed, (I) it first increases or decreases a little, and then flame extinction occurs for lower ventilation factor; (II) it first changes a little and then increases, finally decreases for medium ventilation factor; (III) it first changes a little then increases monotonously for larger ventilation factor of over-ventilated condition. (2) The mass loss rate could be described well by the wind Froude number based on the opening flowing length scale. The mass loss rate ratio between the fuel combustion inside compartment and free condition first changes a little, then decreases with wind speed. This could be well explained as a function of the wind Froude number at the opening and wall heat losses characterizing the temperature rise. These new findings and proposed models provide a basis for understanding compartment fire evolution with liquid fuel combustion inside under the wind effect.